Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What causes the high suicide rate in Japan?


Ive heard that there are over 30,000 suicides in Japan every year. Thats very high compared to other countries!

Japan is beautiful.. what would make the people do that?


Everything is strict. hahaha I am Japanese American, I have worked for a Japanese company and companies that deal with Japanese. Though ethnically I am japanese, both parents and grandparents are japanese. I would not be considered japanese, I don't speak japanese, I do understand some japanese, and I was taught some of the customs and learned about some of the customs.

The stresses involves working for the good of community, family and the family name. Which I call "island" mentality. Since you are on a small island, city, town, company, unit. You are expected to do what is best for....!!! In this expectation, the individual can be lost or conflicted. So, when the parents push their children to go to Tokyo University and pass the entrance exam, and they don't pass. Or the parents want their young adult to work for so and so company and they don't get in. Or the aging adult is laid off from a 20 year job because of cut backs. Or the person has an affair with a neighbor. and then the parents might nag at the child. Or neighbors make comments about the situation, did you get in? Sorry You did not make it. Etc. Or the neighbors ignore you because of your failure or affair or.... They may not know the nice thing to say so they say nothing. Its communal without it necessarily being cooperative.

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