Thursday, December 15, 2011

To learn korean or japanese?


i've always liked asia and wanted to learn an asian language. the ones are really appealing to me are japanese and korean.
i knew about japanese language, music, dramas first so i tried to learn a bit of it, unfortunately i just ended up quitting with time (i just studied it by myself, with a book that i have).
and then, for the last two years or so i've become so obsessed about korean culture, language, music... that i feel that i want to start studying it.
right now i'm more interested in korean but i feel bad about leaving japanese aside.
so what do you think, should i go for korean or none of them? sometimes i think that maybe i should wait to visit the countries because i might end up not liking them (which i hope doesn't happen) and sometimes i think it's not worth it because they're not so popular languages, like mandarin chinese which i'm not very interested about (it doesn't sound so nice imo).
thanks in advance! it'd like to hear what other people think.
p.s.: i'm spanish so both would be very hard to learn, though japanese is easy to pronounce.


The grammar structures of Korean and Japanese are very similar, so it wouldn't be too hard to jump back and forth. You want to learn Korean? Learn it! And you already have some knowledge of Japanese so you should be able to go back to it pretty easily. I would definitely recommend visiting both countries to get a little experience, but don't worry about not liking them--keep an open mind and you'll enjoy yourself no matter what!

Good for you, learning all these languages!

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