Friday, March 18, 2011

Holiday to Japan in august?


i know alot of people have probably already asked this, but im going to japan in august and one of the areas is tokyo. Firstly im sure it will be, but by then will everything there be back to normal and also another major things is will there be any affect on tokyo and the nuclear radiation? thankyou


I posted the following on another similar question. Just like to point out not all of japan is affected. People don't see, read or listen to all the facts. Only headlines.

I'm meant to go next week. A lot of countries are advising for unnecessary travel in the north east and Tokyo. The reason for Tokyo is the power shortages and lack of food supply. Theres no risk with radiation at tokyo at the moment. There is no damage or just a small amount in Tokyo. It just shook a lot but their buildings are designed to withstand earthquakes. Daily life is carrying on in Tokyo. They will be glum but still polite. Some shops and restaurants are opening later closing early to conserve energy.

The terrible rubble you see on tv and all the Japanese people in gymnasiums etc is all up north at Sendai area. If you're going to the west like osaka, Kyoto etc then you will be fine. Radiation, food shortages and power will not affect you. do your research on the source link I've provided. Incredibly helpful. Be ready to postpone. Unfortunately a lot of media are exaggerating on certain issues. I know because I keep having to tell friends about the facts of what is happening there instead of the exaggerated headlines.

If you feel uncomfortable or would worry, maybe not advisable to go. But western japan would happily like your custom as they need tourists there or the economy will slump even more! If you donate money that goes to the affected disaster areas up at the north east, it doesn't help those on the south west who are unaffected by it all.

You saw Sendai airport flooded not narita or haneda airport. Last time I checked both Tokyo airports are still flying in and out. It was open the next day after the earthquake. Not all of japan is a disaster site. There was no damage in Tokyo. People are back at work etc. There are small rolling power outages in the west side of Tokyo to conserve energy. Escalators aren't in use etc.

Hope this is of help to you. Although I have just found out my travel insurance isn't covering us now because my government currently says non essential travel to Tokyo as they don't want the Japanese running out of food as a worst case scenario etc. I'm postponing by a month so end of April I hope to go. Check yours too.

The danny choo link is brilliant. Photos of current Tokyo after earthquake. It's not as bad as the news make it out to be.

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