Friday, March 18, 2011

So what exactly is happening with the radiation from Japan, and will it be dangerous in California?


Hello. First, I'd like to say that I'm a highschool student and the extent of my knowledge on the disaster in Japan is from what I've heard in news clips and from my teachers and friends. I've heard about the radiation from Japan and that it's hit California, and from diagrams they've showed on the news, it looks like a huge amount of radiation.
I understand Japan is basically parallel to the U.S but on the other side of the world, but how can radiation travel so fast across the ocean? And what will be the affects of it? Will it really be bad and extremely dangerous, or will it have little to no effect for whatever reason? I live less than 20 minutes from the beach on the coast of Southern California so I'm curious and want to know if I should be worried, and also if it will spread further past the coastal states and eastward.

Any info greatly appreciated, thanks :-)


According to test results the radiation that arrived is significantly smaller than what's required to cause any sort of health risk. Think of it this way, the amount of radiation we are exposed too everyday is a 1, the radiation from Japan is around a 2 or 3 and the amount that causes health issues would be a 10. Your safe

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